I would say no.
As I noted in the last post, I feel almost inevitably awkward interacting with chareidi men. I feel that any conversation is instantaneously sexualized by my obviously frum attire. I have a little dialogue going on in my head "Is he thinking I'm Jewish, or just happen to be dressed like this? Is he thinking I'm not covered enough? Is he thinking I covered improperly?" etc. etc. One might say this is all in my head, but based on my interactions with chareidi men when my own state of dress has varied (from more chareidi looking to more leftish MO looking) it's not. Arguably, the point of tzniut is to draw attention away from a woman's sexuality. Unfortunately, in many situations, it has exactly the opposite effect. One solution might be a new "objective standard," one based on effect rather than attire.
Now, I hear people saying that this is the opposite of an objective standard. I would argue that it is merely a different objective. An objective not to be noticed as a sexual object. There are a couple components to this:
(1) What is needs / needs not be covered: I do think that some objective standards about what should and should not be covered are in order. I find it shocking, always, in the summer when I see women who look like they are going to fall out of their blouses. So please, cover up your private areas plus safe margins (I think knees and elbows are good lines, actually) and make sure that when you bend over / stretch / go about daily business that your clothing keeps you covered.
(2) Context: Here is where I think people will shriek and claim that the objective standard is gone. But I repeat: the objective here is to dress in a way that is not overtly sexual. If you're in the middle of a big, physical project, e.g. cleaning out the gutters, loose pants are (arguably) the modest way to go. They won't get caught on anything, and you don't have to worry that someone is lurking underneath the ladder to get a view up your skirt. Don't tell me this isn't a job for a bat yisrael. Someone's got to do it.
People have asked if I would feel less objectified if I dressed like a whore. No, I wouldn't. I would feel less objectified if I weren't lumped into a religious category based on my attire.
I think you have a point there. Curious what others have to say.
Great blog so far, keep it up!
Bald Guy -
Thanks! I know there's not much here yet, but I plan to have more soon, and hope to see you again.
Good luck on your choice of phone.
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